texas honey
Howdy from Texas, my loves.
I have had such a fabulous vacation! Dude, seriously. I love it here. Except the heat, of course. LOL I was in sleeveless today and was sweaty. It felt like June, man. <.g> It's nuts.
Jennie and I watched all of season 3 on BUffy. <.g> 19 episodes in one weekend, and the last 3 eps yesterday. How insane is that? But it was so much fun, and so great to see them all again. Makes me laugh, because that's how I spent my first visit to Krissy's too. <.g>
Also watched a bunch of West Wing. Noel right now. Lovely fun.
Hey, Krissy - remember that XFiles story with me and Mulder? It's been rewritten and it's no longer me at ALL. Ever. It just ain't. <.g> It;s been bugging me for years. In fact, the next step may be to rewrite part two so that there is much happiness. In fact, yes, I can see it now. Happy endings all over the place. ::nods::
So, yes, it's been a wonderfully relaxing four days, and I love spending time with Jennie. But of course, I can't wait to get home, either. : ) I miss my family, and my kid. And all of my kids. And, possibly, the weather. Although I take that back if it snows this week. <.g>
See you from Illinois!!