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It's Friday.... you know what

It's Friday.... you know what that means. Friday Five!!

1. Hey, baby, what's your sign? Do you think it fits you pretty well?
Sagittarius. And yeah, I suppose it fits me. Some parts of it more than others, but you know. <.g>

2. What's the worst birthday gift you've ever received?
Worst? I don't know if I've received a bad birthday present. I guess the time my uncle told me I could have his Neon when I turned 16 if I stayed off drugs. Cuz you know me... I was really in danger of that. Never did get the car, so maybe I should have gotten into that stuff. What good did it do me to stay off of it? <.g> I guess what makes that a bad non-present is that he has never given me a present, but what did he give my sister when she turned 16? $100. Where's the fairness? lol.

3. What's the best birthday gift you've ever received?
I may not have received many bad gifts, but boy have I gotten some great ones!! For my 16th birthday I got an emerald clover ring that my grandma had been given on her 16th birthday, then gave my mother on her 16th birthday. That was SO cool. This year my grandma gave me this cardboard children's book -- Care Bears Counting. It was the kind where there would be little doors to open and something would be under them, ya know? She said I'd left it at her house when I was four so that it would always be there for me, and she kept it to give me when I turned 21. How cute is that?

4. What's the best way you've celebrated your birthday thus far?
My birthday is always over Thanksgiving break, which is a convenient time to take a trip. So I spent my 10th birthday in Walt Disney World, which was awesome, even though they told me not to tell anyone I was 10 because then I wouldn't get kid prices anymore. ha ha. And my 13th birthday I spent in Puerto Rico, as it fell on the final day of our cruise. My friends threw me a surprise party for my 15th birthday, which was so much fun. I didn't suspect a thing. lol. Basically, the best birthday would be hanging out with my best friends and my family. A good portion of my good friends (and an even larger portion of my family) also have birthdays in the close vacinity of mine (like within a 5-day spread either direction), so it's SO great to celebrate everything all together.

5. What are your plans for this weekend?
Surprisingly, I really don't have any plans. I'm working Cotton Club tonight, which should be pretty good. I've got a paper to write and some reading to do, but other than that... nothin'.

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