I want it to snow.
I want it to snow. I want, like, an honest-to-goodness, full-out blizzard. The kind where the snow is thick and heavy and goes up to your knees and shoveling is absolutely impossible unless you have a snowblower, which isn't actually shoveling, anyway. The kind where you have to use two hands on the brush to clean your car because the snow is too heavy to move with one. The kind that's too deep to even go sledding in, because you just sink in and don't go anywhere, even if you're on a steep hill, and you have to wait a couple days for the snow to pack down and get that layer of ice on it before you can even approach it with a sled. And everything, even the trees, would be pure white and beautiful and it would feel like winter. Not this crappy grey-cold where the sun almost doesn't shine and everything looks wintery and dormant and just not pretty.