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My. Teeth. Hurt. I know

My. Teeth. Hurt. I know all my posts from today have focused on this whole wisdom teeth thing, but I can't help it. Agghhh.

I got called up to do this music survey thing today. I was a bit annoyed that she called me at home at 9:00 on a Monday, but it was actually kind of fun. They played, like, forty song clips (literally) and had me rate them from unfamiliar, would change the station, tired of hearing it, no opinion, like, and favorite. Most of the songs she played fell into the "like" category. I got I'm a Slave 4 U, Gone, Hero... Gone and Hero, I think, were the only two I put into favorites. I can't even remember what else I heard, there were so many. So who knows? Maybe I'll be responsible for shaping the broadcasting menus for some radio stations up here. Cool! Power to the little people!

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