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Today has been a productive

Today has been a productive morning, and I aim to keep it that way throughout the entire day. I got up early (okay, early for a Saturday) and worked out while I watched Diary of Britney Spears. If that isn't inspiration to get in shape, I don't know what is! Then I went to Weight Watchers and I lost two pounds! Woohoo! I'm on my way to being slim, trim, and buff for my cruise in December. And it is a beeeea-utiful day outside today. Do you think if I opened my window, more annoying bugs would sneak in through the hole in the screen? Hmmmm. Might be worth it to let some of that nice breeze in. Screw it, window's open. lol. Now, in order to continue on my Path of Productivity, I need to get off the computer and READ, READ, READ. I have two exams this week. Eeek.

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