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Fourteen days of class left. Then finals week. ACK!! I have WAY too much to do in fourteen days! I just sent my project proposal and consent form to my professor with revisions. They say it takes up to two weeks to get approval, then I need to get permission from the parents, then my mom needs to videotape the class, SEND me the videotape, I have to analyze it, and write a paper. I repeat: ACK!!! How EVER will I get it done? It's looking humanly impossible. WHY didn't my professor hand out the guidelines earlier than last Monday? Once more for good measure: ACK!!

Maybe I shall sit back and enjoy the weather. It's 85 degrees IN the house. At 10:00. Tomorrow, supposed to be 90. Now, I am loving the heat, but where was spring?

Today was a long-ass day. I left the house at 8, and didn't stroll back in until almost 7. Didn't even get a lunch. Advertising was interesting. One of our TA's lectured... I went to high school with the girl (she's a year older) and she doesn't even acknowledge that she recognizes me. I was on speech team with her. I worked on the plays with her. I was in orchestra with her. AND choir with her. In fact, I was in choir with her for six years! I mean, I knew her. Not just "Oh, she looks familiar," but actually knew her. Not as in we were best buds, but long-time acquaintances, at least. Lol. It amuses me, quite frankly.

Then I had social psych, and our TA gave me the video on attraction that I missed when I skipped class in the name of *NSYNC. <.g> And then statistics, where I endured even more pain. Actually, what we're doing now actually makes a little bit of sense. Who woulda thunk it?? Wow. Then lab, where I listened painfully for three hours to this woman ramble on and on and on and on about her twins. I mean, I usually really enjoy transcribing these interviews, but this woman talks. To put it in perspective, another girl was transcribing and had gotten through 30 minutes of tape. She had 27 pages of transcript. I had gotten through an hour and 15 minutes and I had 11 pages. If that gives you any idea of how loooooong her answers are -- there's little to no turn-taking. Short questions, LONG answers that take up like a page and a half each.

After lab, my seminar class went to Early Learning to observe. It was so interesting! There were 35 preschoolers there (age 18 months through five and a half years), and they collectively spoke 18 languages!! Isn't that amazing? There was this one little boy with the blackest, tightest curls ever. Oh, was he adorable. Looked about four. I think he was from Israel. After observing, our class went back to my professor's for a pizza party and to discuss our observations. She's so cute. She's this little woman who's been teaching here for probably 40 or so years. SO sweet. So that was fun.

And that was my day. No time for Sims, sadly. And no time to watch Don't Say a Word, which my mom and I rented this weekend and fell asleep before watching. It's due tomorrow before noon. Ah well. Some other time.

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