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Reading Day

It's been a somewhat productive Reading Day. I read about 1/3 of my advertising book, which is a good start, I think. I also received Tape 1 of my mom's class, so I can start coding it for my observations paper. I should receive Tape 2 tomorrow, but I'll probably do most of the coding on Saturday. I have my Social Psych final tomorrow, and I really haven't started looking at it yet. Eeep. It's not till seven, though, so that gives me almost all day. If I can read another hundred pages in advertising and go through my notes for Social at least twice, I'll be good to go.

Amie came over tonight. We made herb chicken and mashed potatoes together. Yum. I hadn't made chicken all year long. Strange, since last year I lived on it. Living with Aarti has influenced me against making meat, I guess. Not entirely a bad thing.

Then Amie and I played some more Sims. We managed to keep Baby Kayla alive long enough for her to become a child. Go us! So Sim!Justin's a dad. <.giggle> He was so cute with the baby. He sang "Hush Little Baby," "Rock-a-Bye Baby," and "Amazing Grace" to her. And Sim!Amie sings in the shower. Heehee. It's cute. Kayla and Joshua need to become friends. Kayla looks pretty athletic, though, and Joshua's not outgoing at all, nor does he have many active points. So hopefully they'll get along.

ER's on. Mark died. =( Not that it's a surprise, but it's sad. And Christopher Burke made a guest appearance! I love him! "Life Goes On" was one of my favorite shows as a kid. I think I especially liked it because Becca wore glasses. No one (at least no kids) wore glasses on TV, and I wore glasses, so it was all very exciting. <.g> I wish they'd rerun that show. It was so great.


Ugh. Thanks for that spoiler, honey.


Oh, sorry!!! I forgot you don't get the shows until much later! =( If it makes you feel any better, last summer EW wrote an article and mentioned he was going to die.... it wasn't really a surprise to anyone.... I'm sorry. =(

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