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I really need to get on top of this whole job search thing. I just feel like I never have a free moment to sit down and do it.

The one job I was feeling good about, with that consulting firm, is a no-go. I had talked with the guy forever at the career fair, and he gave me a card with where to send my transcripts. Everything went really well, and I was kind of excited about it. He told me they'd be contacting me for an interview for this week. Well, I hadn't heard anything, so today I called. He wasn't in the office, so I asked to speak with someone in Human Resources. I explained to her that I'd been expecting to hear from them and wanted to make sure my transcripts had arrived. She told me that yes, they had arrived (had they gotten so few that she knew right off the bat that mine had come?), but they have already made decisions on who they wanted to interview, and she wished me luck in my career search. ::blinks:: Wha?? He told me he'd be contacting me for an interview. To me, that means I was going to get an interview. That bums me out a little bit.

I don't know if I would have even wanted that job, what with having to travel for five days of the week. That's a lot of stress, I think. But it would have been nice for me to be able to make the decision, instead of having it made for me right at the start, ya know? Ah well. Suck it up and move on, right?


I am sorry :( Don't fear though, it just wasn't meant to be, and probably for a very good reason :) DISNEY hee hee later gator, C

Oh Kate,
I'm sorry too.. but don't think its over yet. Call and talk to the guy. They are human too... maybe they made a mistake. And yes, maybe there is something much better out there for you... perhaps being 'someone' wife.. hee hee... you know who I am talking about. Go to Florida and make it happen! hee hee... okay, i'll quit...

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