To Do
I got almost ten hours of sleep last night. Fell asleep at 9:00, reading, and then finally got in bed at 9:30! Gosh. I woke up at 5:50, ready to go. But I decided to go back to sleep. Heehee. Got up at 6:45 for good. I think my body was still on the old time. So it was really 10:00 when I was exhausted, and the first time I woke up is about when I'd have gotten up regularly. So, yes. That was good, though. I got my extra hour of sleep in, anyway, since I went to bed too late on Saturday night for it to matter that it was "fall back."
I got my small group behavior exam back. I got an A. I'm relieved. I was kinda worried. It sucks that I have to study so darn hard for these exams, but it would suck even more if I studied as hard as I did, and then still came out with a bad grade. So, yay. I didn't exactly finish reading for 333 today (because... fell asleep), but I think I know enough about the article to contribute. So I'm not gonna worry about that. We should also (hopefully) be getting our 333 exams back today. Eeep! The class average was a 66%. That's a D. I don't THINK I did TOO terribly on it, but it worries me that the average was a D.
I have an exam tomorrow in 383. I haven't read the chapter. It's only one chapter we have to read, too. I should just do it. It's just so... dry. I dunno. I don't like the way the book is written. Lecture is MUCH more interesting. So I have to read that tonight, and read the loooooong story for narrative writing, which I also have to diagram for class tomorrow. Because we were supposed to have it done for last Thursday, but he'd said Tuesday by mistake, and so decided we'd go over it on Tuesday. Which means I HAVE to do it. haha. And I also have to read my classmates' stories. AND I have to go to the mall tonight to buy a button-down shirt I can wear with my suit for my interview Wednesday, and also with black pants for my company presentation tomorrow night. SO much to do.