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Nightmare day

I survived work. I was a nervous wreck for half the day, but I made it through.

It was after work, though, that was awful. It was snowing. A lot. And I was kind of excited, because snow! We haven't had much. So I left work, early (not that I left early, but that I got off at 4:45, which would allow me to beat the rush hour traffic, or at least get a head-start). I went out to clean off my car, and thought "Why don't I turn the car on, get it warmed up why I clean off the snow?"

So I turned the car on, put my purse down, and thought "make sure the doors aren't locked, Kate, because you're leaving your purse with the spare key inside the car." So I made sure the doors were unlocked, and then I manually made sure the driver's door was unlocked. (I'm sure you can tell where this is going....) I closed the door and went to open the back door, where my scraper was. Locked. Hmm. Maybe it's frozen, I thought. So I went back to the driver's door. Could it, too, be frozen? It wasn't a moment ago.... I pulled. Really, really hard. It didn't budge.

So I locked my keys in the car. With the car running. In the middle of a blizzard.

On my third day at my location.

What a lovely first-week impression. That Kate, she's a bright one.

I had to have the non-emergency police come and unlock me. And I'd been so happy to be getting a head-start on rush hour traffic. Ha! By the time I was unlocked and on the road, the roads were a MESS, they were clogged with cars, and it took me over an hour and a half to get home. Which, in the grand scheme of things, probably wasn't bad. It usually only takes about 40 minutes, but I can't complain too much. I was going about 40 most of the way, which is more than I can say for the other direction. Thank god for a reverse-commute.

TO MY CREDIT: My dad was snow-blowing the driveway, and moved my car. He went to move it back... it was locked. He swears he didn't lock it. Now, maybe he did. And maybe I, too, locked it on my way out at work. Or maybe there is something wrong with either my locks or my keyless remote.

I sure hope the roads are clear for the morning commute.


HEY! I got your comment on my blog.....I HAVE to tell you more about last weekend, but I don't have off till friday/saturday...but I am gonna be unable to talk to you then...I will explain more later! However, I will grab a phone card soon and call you! I can't use my cell anymore but I will definitely try to reach you sometime SOON, I need to chat with ya! I am SO sorry that happened to you...that sucks....at least you were somewhere where you could get help though..it's cool, everyone does it! Talk to you soon, have a GREAT day!

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