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You start to get comfortable, like you knew you probably would. You start to think, "this isn't so bad." You figure that, as long as you keep yourself busy enough to not have time for sales calls, you might be able to stick this one out. At least for a couple of months.

Then you're told that the administrative things you've been doing, those things you've been "keeping yourself busy with," they're not really your job anymore. You don't need to 'bother' yourself with them. The focus of your job, where you should be putting the majority of your energy, is sales. Calling off lists, promomoting this or that. And then you think that maybe you were wrong. That maybe 'comfortable' is not the word for it.

On the other hand, someone new is starting tomorrow. You're getting paid. And you like the people you work with. Life may not be how you pictured it, but it doesn't totally suck.

So you decide to take it day by day.

And by 'you,' I don't necessarily mean 'me.' Because it could be anyone, right? If the wrong people were to stumble across, say, something like this, it could mean anyone.

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