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I've had a really fun weekend. Full to the brim, that's for sure! I worked yesterday, as usual. After work, T, K, my boss W and I went out to lunch. And D came, too! D being the banker who quit to go back to school in August. It was really good to see her again, catch up on things. And fun to hang with the coworkers outside of work.

Afterwards, I went to the library and got some more movies to watch, and then to Jamie's for a little partay. She has SUCH a cute place, now! There was LOTS of food, and good company. We were all a little bit sleepy, which was a bummer, but it was a good time. We will have to do it again soon, girls. :)

Today, Kelle and Tina (friends of Megan's that I met when going to her birthday shindig last month) came over and we had a Johnny Depp marathon. First, we went to lunch, and then came back and watched just Johnny's parts of Before Night Falls, and then all of Blow and Nick of Time. Nick of Time was filmed at the Westin Bonaventure in LA! That's where Dad and I stayed in October! It was super-cool to see places that were familiar. The entire movie takes place in that one hotel (aside from the Amtrak station, which I spent time in when going to visit Elaina in Bakersfield a few years back), so it was a lot of fun to recognize everything. Plus, Johnny's hot. And Kelle let me have a copy of her Pirates (not that yours wasn't good enough, Miggie, but this one plays on a DVD player!), which I'm watching now. Love this movie. Can't wait until I can buy it on DVD!

So, that was that. Short week this week. I work tomorrow, and have class at night, but then I'm off Tuesday for Veteran's Day and Wednesday for my regular day off. Then I work Thursday, Friday, Saturday, but still. It'll feel like a very quick week. Which is good.


Ahhhh Kate with her Johnny Depp obessession. I think its actually cute. :D Girl u so crazy. :D Sorry I wasn't that talkative at the get together, didn't want to seem like I was coming off snobby or anything, I've just been stressed alot. Hope u understand. I'll be sure to talk more next time. I hope there is a next time. See you Sunday. *WINK*
<3 Michelle

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