Old habits die hard
Just called LA. Like old times! Talked to my pals over at KIIS FM. First to Natalie, who at least pretended she remembered me (not that I asked... she did sound pretty excited when I said "This is Kate from Chicago," so either she was just happy that people were calling from all over the US, or trekking across the country to see a pop star makes an impression on people. Heh). She, of course, put me on the air with JoJo. He's a cool guy. We chatted a bit about the cold and the Cubs. I don't even want to know if they play any of it. I'm sure I sounded like a complete doofus if they did. But I put in my vote for JC, and I got to hear "Some Girls" while I was on hold! Too damn cool to hear mah boy on the radio. I'm so proud! ::wipes tear::
Anyway. Enough of that. I have tomorrow and Wednesday off. Whee! A mid-week weekend! Two days in a row is longer than I can say for most real weekends, so it's a happy thing. Plus, it's Veteran's day. Have to remember my grandpas. Don't forget your moment of silence at 11:11 am, y'all! ::salutes::