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Fifty-two hours of pain

Yeah. So this training? This mandatory 52-hours insurance training? Is about to kill me. I have now completed 19 of the 52 hours.

*stabs self in eye with spork*

So. Boring. This is our day:

8-9: Review yesterday's info.
9-9:15: Highlight sections relating to review questions for first chapter. Match review question numbers to sections highlighted.
9:15-10: Have chapter read to us.
10-10:15: Do review questions.
10:15-10:20: Go over review questions.
10:20-12:00: Lather, rinse, repeat for second chapter.
12-1: Lunch.
1-4:30: Lather, rinse, repeat again, with two more chapters.
4:30-5:30: Go over ALL the review questions from all four chapters, again, and then do test prep questions, which include half the review questions.
5:30: FREEDOM!

We do get little breaks, but we sit in a room, with 23 students (about three of which are under the age of 40, and about four of which are female), on hard-ass plastic chairs, where there is no coffee, no vending machine, no windows (except for the glass door), and no bathroom (have to go upstairs into the office building above, carrying a huge PVC pipe with a key attached to the end of it to use). Keeeeel meeeeee now!

Somewhere in the 3:00 hour my brain just shuts off. I reach my absorbtion capacity, and can take no more.

Aaaaaand... here I go for Round Three!

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