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Be safe!

To all my Florida friends: Carolyn, Karen, Amy, Gina, and everyone else... I don't know if y'all have to evacuate for this second hurricane, but either way, be safe. I'm thinking about you!


C, S and I (ahahaha... CSI... love that show) are going up to San Francisco tonight for the long weekend. We don't have much of a plan, and are staying (hopefully) in Santa Cruz with C's friend. We're planning on leaving right after work, which I know won't happen until 7:30 at the earliest. And it's a six-hour drive. Man, that's gonna be rough. I just hope they stay awake to keep me company while I drive. *laugh*

But I now have auto insurance. AND renter's insurance. I am officially an adult. Would you believe, though, that my auto insurance premiums are almost triple what they were in Illinois? I mean, given, I was an added driver on my dad's policy, and the primary driver of the '92 Dodge Caravan, but still. Gah. And, if I get a ticket, my premiums double. Can you believe it? Double! Who can afford to spend almost $2000 every six months on car insurance? Not me! Now I know why people don't bother. Yeesh. Let's just keep my driving record clear, shall we?

Also, renter's insurance does not cover earthquakes. I guess that's the same as homeowner's insurance not covering floods, but that's a sucky deal, yo. And you have to have renter's insurance before you can get earthquake insurance. I suppose I should look into that, too. Suckage. The money, it's a-goin' fast.

But I have my California plates on my car, and I got my California driver's license yesterday, so I'm practically a Californian now. Heh.

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