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Sox, drugs and the FBI

Well, the Red Sox won the World Series. I'm not much of a baseball fan myself, but S and C both have ties to Boston so we went to an Irish pub down in Santa Monica to watch the game. Being on the Left Coast, however, by the time we all got home from work and actually made it down to the pub, the game was at the top of the 7th. Still, we saw the exciting part (the end) in a pub full of Sox fans, which was fun.

I've been getting tons and tons of comments posted on my blog about prescription drugs and porn and "check out this link" and such. They're filling up my inbox (at times it was hundreds a day), so I've been banning IP addresses from commenting. I've banned 34 addresses so far (usually multiple emails come from the same address) and I'm still getting them. It's really frustrating. So if I accidentally ban any of y'all from posting comments, let me know.

Also, PSA here. Found this link on another blog. What you post on the web could have serious consequences in real life. This girl posted her opinion of Gee Dubya Bush, and she now has an FBI file that will follow her around for life. Scary!! Go read about it. It's important.


Aw man, I guess we need to be careful what we say! :-D


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