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Charles in charge of our days and our nights...

Had my first celebrity-I-recognized encounter on Monday. I feel a little weird writing this on the internet! I'm not sure why. Let's just say he was very nice, and still looked quite good, and he has to come back again in the next week or so to take care of one more thing, so hopefully I'll get to help him again. Who was it? Here, this'll help:

New boy in the neighborhood
Lives downstairs and it's understood.
He's there just to take good care of me,
Like he's one of the family.
Charles in Charge of our days and our nights,
Charles in Charge of our wrongs and our rights!
And I sing, I want, I want Charles in Charge of me.
Charles in Charge of our days and our nights,
Charles in Charge of our wrongs and our rights!
And I sing, I want, I want Charles in Charge of me.

In other news, I'll be home in Chicago on Saturday. Whee! Busy, busy week, of course. What else would I expect? Ha. I feel like every minute is accounted for, so it won't be very relaxing. The entire (and I mean entire) family will be in for Thanksgiving, so I should get to see all my aunts, uncles and cousins (well, one family is unconfirmed as of yet, but I HOPE they come!). Shall be a good time.


R u talking about Scott B??? OMG really? How cool is that ;D

Maybe I'll see u over thanxgiving, maybe not...have fun in Chitown :D

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