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I knew Pride would be a huge deal in West Hollywood, but I didn't realize there was a parade. The restaurant we had brunch at was right along the parade route, and we were seated outside with a wonderful view. Let me just say, I have not seen so many short shorts (on men) in my entire life! Or people marching along wearing just a thong, or in chaps without pants underneath (cheek chillers!), or 8" heels and miniskirts carrying parasols (all men, mind you). We'll just call it "entertaining" and be done with it. *laugh*

There was also a festival, but I opted out of attending (there is much laundry to be done, if my neighbor would finish up with his).

As Crystal and I were walking back to our respective cars, a guy stopped us to ask what the festivities were all about. We told him Pride. He looked at us blankly, blinked, and said "Pride?" One, you're driving in West Hollywood. Two, Crystal's carrying a rainbow flag (she's not gay, just supporting... I don't know why I'm clarifying that). Three, you're driving in West Hollywood! Jeez! That gave us a good laugh.

Anyway, it was good times for all. Brought me back to working at Walt Disney World during Pride Weekend, only possibly multiplied (if that's possible).

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