I've been watching a lot of Nip/Tuck lately (which, by the way, is the best show ever!). In fact, it's almost enough to prompt us to get cable. If we weren't all potentially moving out within the next few months, we would. The show is that good. Y'all should watch, seriously. If only for the completely gorgeous, if cocky and slightly raunchy, Dr. Christian Troy. Yum. *laugh* You may have to cover your eyes for the surgery bits (I do), but the show is so complex and well-acted that it's totally worth putting up with the 10% of graphic slight-grossness.
Right now, on the verge of the start of Season 3 (spoilers for the previous two seasons to follow...), Sean McNamara has recovered from being attacked by the Carver and is performing pro bono work on the Carver's other victims. He's in the middle of a separation from his wife, Julia, and has been seeing Christian's ex-girlfriend, porn director Kimber Henry. Matt, the son Sean raised (but did not father... that would be Christian), was involved in a hit-and-run accident back in Season 1 and has not yet come to terms with it. Seventeen-year-old Matt is also reeling from his recent break-up with his 40-something transgendered Life Coach (not that he knows she's a he). And Christian, just having lost his non-biological baby to its biological father (the baby's mother found out she is HIV-positive), has just been sliced by the Carver. We don't know if he survives (but we assume he must, as he is half of McNamara/Troy, Plastic Surgeons). Now, if that's not a gripping television show, I don't know what is!
Speaking of plastic surgery, I guess it was time for Wandering Aimlessly to get a facelift, too. Thanks to Krissy, we have been upgraded!
I'm still playing with things a bit. Commenting is back! One of the huge problems I had with the comment function before was the masses and masses of junk comments I was receiving. In fact, with this upgrade, I'm able to edit comments. I discovered that I had over 25,800 spam comments!! I had turned off email notification back in February when I started getting literally hundreds of spam comments emailed to me every day. Therefore, I set the comment function to Registered Users Only. I haven't completely figured it out yet, but I think you need to register for TypeKey (free). If some of you could try, just so I can see how this works, that'd be good.
And that's about it out of me. It's been a quiet weekend... worked yesteray, bummed around the house today. Sometimes you just need a lazy day or two where you don't get out of your pajamas until well into the afternoon. *g*
Lastly, if you can...
Here's a real comment for ya!
I see Breaking News is that most of LA is without power. I had no clue what areas they were talking about until they mentioned Sherman Oaks, and then I had a clue. *g*
Posted by: Rina
September 12, 2005 01:45 PM