There's Noplace Like Home
Did I mention Gen and I have an apartment? I can't remember if I did, but we do!
And best of all? We have a COUCH! It's coming on Saturday, which is so exciting. It's RED. We will have a red couch! Love, love, love. We will also have a tan loveseat, which is actually a blue loveseat covered with a slipcover. But with red throw pillows, and the tan-and-red throw pillows that came with the red couch, we have the beginning of a color coordinated living space. Whee!
Gen's things will be arriving in "seven to twenty-one" days. My things are about a third in the new place and two thirds here, unpacked. This apartment is a mess. Yikes. Moving sucks, let me tell you. I've been doing it in shifts, a few things each night. Tomorrow I need to bite the bullet and pack up a bunch more stuff. I already packed the easy stuff. The fridge is to be delivered Sunday, the internet to be turned on Tuesday, and once all those things happen, we will have a happy home.