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May 1, 2007

May 1, 2007
Originally uploaded by kayay.
Apples to apples: KC is always giving me grief about the apples I eat for dinner. She seems to think an apple does not a complete meal make. But do you see the size of that thing? On the left we have a normal apple. On the right, my dinner apple. It's HUGE! (And delicious, thanks, I took the picture and then proceeded to devour it.)

Tonight, I might actually eat more than the apple. I need some carbs. Or ice cream. Mmmm, ice cream. Stress eating. I signed off on $8.3 million in outgoing transactions today, which is NOT a dollar amount I usually see all in one day.

Speaking of millions, did you know that Cook County, IL has the second-most (LA County is #1) millionaires in the US? Surprising, that. So I went from living among the second-most millionaires to the first. Too bad that doesn't make it any easier for ME to be a millionaire!

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