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Monday, 3/17/08: St. Patty's Day...

I've driven by this pub for three years and have never been in. I like that it says "Friar Tuck Shoppe" (which I, of course, pronounce 'shoppie' in my head), because it reminds me of a friend from Disney. He was Friar Tuck, among other characters. One day, while he was still in training and concentrating very hard on getting the autographs just right, he accidentally crossed both the F and the T. In a child's Disney autograph book. He immediately told the trainer, who said, "Well... try not to do that again!"

Anyhow. This was St. Patrick's Day. There was an Irish pub down the street that had masses and mobs of people outside, but there was nowhere to take a picture from. So, have the British pub instead. From inside my car, across the street at the gas station, which admittedly does not make for the best picture, but, well. It is what it is.

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