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work work, while I sing this song

So much work, so little time! And the school year hasn't even *started yet!

I had meetings all day Thursday and Friday. Thursday it was so hot - 110 in the shade. I walked to the meeting Friday morning (much cooler) and saw an egg on the sidewalk. LOL! I thought that was the funniest/neatest thing ever. Sadly, it did not, apparently, fry. Although it seemed like it should have. <.g>

Watched Monster's Inc tonight. Too cute for words.

Been playing Sims lately. I love Unleashed, man. My new couple is, I think, going to be Britney and Lance. If they like each other. Since, you know, Rina stepped in and married Joey. Lance didn't mind - he hasn't been in love with Joey for awhile (Joey flirted with too many people), although Joey is still in love with Lance. He just loves Rina more. We all live together, with their son Scott and their dog. <.g>

I'm nervous about school starting on MOnday. Only half a day, which is good, but still. Eeeep. Very worried. Happy thoughts would be appreciated : )


tons of happy thoughts going your direction :) :) :) Lisa and Matthew start school on Wednesday, I think. :)

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