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Ack. Good thing Jen's snoring

Ack. Good thing Jen's snoring woke me up - I usually set my alarm for 7:10, but I forgot to move it from Friday's 8. So I was quite confused to see that it was 7:30 and Yo Yo Ma wasn't playing yet. <.g> I had lots o' mail from Scullyfic about last night's episode. Most, like me, liked it and yet didn't. LOL I am beginning to see the light, though - floating on the river of denial, Mulder is the father and obviously knows it. It's just that, you know, they were flirting. And since they haven't done it in awhile, and were really never good at it, it seemed awkward. I mean, look at the end when he had his hand on her stomach, and she was beaming at him. And when he gave her the present - even if he's not the physical father, he is the emotional one, and that's what the doll said. That, and "I'm going to give your child nightmares," but it's the thought that counts. <.g>

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