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Ack. Someone named "kakiathekinky" just

Ack. Someone named "kakiathekinky" just joined granger-weasley. Should I be worried? <.g>

I learned a bit more about the 1919 AGG scandal. It's fascinating!! Mary Miles Minter was a child actress who started on the stage - typical story of an overbearing mom who forced her into it, because she had stopped her career to have Mary and her sister. In 1915, Mary went from stage to films. They were trying to make her another Mary Pickford, all innocence, so she was in movies like "Dimples" playing children. (She was 13, playing much younger.) Her favorite director, one she worked most often with with William Desmond Taylor. He did AGG with her, when she was 17. Great movie, well-received, she was America's little sweetheart. Then came 1922. William was murdered in his Hollwood bungalow. It's still an unsolved mystery, and it was a huge huge thing back then because of the Fatty Arbuckle scandal the year before. They didn't know who killed him, but they did find many of Mary's possessions in his home, along with little love notes she had written to him. America was horrified! Their sweetheart was having an affair with a man old enough to be her father? They stopped seeing any of her movies, even though they were excellent. She left her mom's house, and she was out of Hollywood by 1923. She got married about ten years later, her husband died in the 60s, and then she died of a heart attack in 1984 when she was 82 years old.

I'm a morbid freak, I just like stories like that for some reason. <.g> I have this fascination for everything unsolved.

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