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Added a whole bunch of

Added a whole bunch of new blogs to my sidebar. I think I'm inching my way into needing two sidebars. LOL I have a lot of links! But I'm very annoyed - I went to amazon.com to get a link for the Ann Rinaldi book I'm reading, and they don't have any of her books! Sacriledge! I adore her books. They're historical fiction for young adults - usually fictional people in real plots, but occasionally real people in fictional plots. Like she wrote a book about the supposed daughter of Thomas Jefferson and his slave Sally Hemmings. Fabulous book. This one, The Last Silk Dress, is about a young girl in the Civil War who helps collect silk dresses (the last in the Confederacy) so that the South can build a hot air balloon to have a chance in the war. It's also about her family, and love and loyalty and it's just amazing. I've been reading it for years. <.g>

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