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Argh! Twice I saw that

Argh! Twice I saw that Adventures in Babysitting was on yesterday, and I missed it both times. I always liked that movie. Then, today on the JoshDonna list, I find out that Bradley Whitford (Josh) is in that! He plays Mike Todwell, her boyfriend. So I went to IMDB to see what else he was in - he was in practically everything! LOL I've seen so many of his movies, and yet have no recollection of him at all. LOL Billy Madison, Philadelphia, Awakenings, Scent of a Woman. Although I think I vaguely remember him from Billy Madison. <.g> I think he was in a clip that Jon showed last semester.

Anyway. <.g> Jen just walked in from last night, and inexplicably walked right back out again. LOL I don't really want to write more of my paper. Today's section is on the movie "The Buried Mirror." I have no idea how I'm going to relate it to Yawar Fiesta, but I will. <.g>

Oh, fun AMC news I found out yesterday and can't yet share with J because I haven't seen her on. LOL Kimberly McCullough is coming to AMC in May, for at least a short time!! I also heard that Tristan Rogers is coming back - but to GH. I think that's utterly ridiculous, and probably false. Anna's on AMC. He has more storyline chances with her than Mac. After all, Luke already has Roy - how many of his glory day friends can get resurrected?? From the same (probably false) source, I heard that Ingo and Vanessa would be coming back as well, together. I'm really, really hoping not. Why can't they come up with fun, new, exciting characters instead of trying to relive the past? We've already done the past. I want something new!

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