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Did I mention that mom

Did I mention that mom and I actually did watch Romeo and Juliet? Most of it, anyway. It was so funny - she loved the presentation (her favorite scene was the first one, the fight in the gas station. She was so impressed) but doesn't like the story anymore. LOL She kept complaining that the characters had lost her, that the plot was stupid. <.g> But she kept having me translate. "So, he just insinuated that Romeo and Mercutio had something going?" "Yes." "She's waiting for her wedding night?" "Yes." "He just saw his best friend die, killed a man, and is rushing over to have sex?" "Yes." Plus, she kept cracking up hysterically because it was similar to Titanic. LOL The one shot at the ball, when the Nurse rushes Juliet up the stairs? The camera pulls back and it's just like the shot in Titanic. <.g> Then there was the pool/balcony scene, and mom kept laughing because he was all wet, and said that if Juliet said anything resembling "Come back!" she wasn't going to be able to watch anymore because she'd be laughing too much. LOL It was a lot of fun - that was the one night Josh wasn't in my room, so it was just the two of us. Minus the fattening snack, unfortunately. <.g>

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