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Fabulous movie - v.v. good.

Fabulous movie - v.v. good. <.g> Some changes I liked, others I didn't, but I'll go into detail tomorrow when I'm awake. The music in the movie was so damn cool, so we went out right after to buy the soundtrack at Target. But Kate and Meghan (her friend who came with) headed straight for the women's department first, leaving Damien standing in the aisle with this horrified look on his face. (Shame, because I saw this really cute skirt.) So I took him over to the electronic section, and as a result of my good deed, got the last copy of the soundtrack. LOL Gotta love karma. <.giggle> The soundtrack isn't as good as the music in the movie, but I really like it anyway. Especially Geri Halliwell's It's Raining Men. LOL I loved that scene.

Oh, and I am now completely and totally in love with Colin Firth. Must rent Pride and Prejudice immediately. <.g> I need to see this shirt and trousers pond scene. LOL Yay for having Shakespeare in Love on my shelf! I can watch that tomorrow. <.g> What is it with me and married 40 year old men? David Duchovny, Brad Whitford, Colin Firth. I need a life. LOL

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