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Getting a slow start today

Getting a slow start today - Jen was watching Shakespeare in Love when I woke up (I only got a chance to barely get started yesterday) so we watched that. <.g> Just finished it - love that movie! Even if Colin Firth is a not-so-good guy, I still liked seeing him. <.g> I think it's funny that he lost more weight than Renee gained to play his role. They said he lost 2 stone - 1 stone is 14 pounds, right? Well, however many he lost, he looks fabulous. <.g>

I had such a weird dream! Tony Head was singing in a coffee shop, and he was friends with my friend April (no, I don't know anyone named April <.g>) who kept calling me and telling me to come over and meet him. But I was watching a movie with Erin on the front porch of my house in Chicago, and didn't get to go, and I was quite disappointed. Then Erin and I went to the bookstore next to the coffee shop where Tony was singing, and he was there with April, and he went into the coffee shop and started singing. LOL I guess it's better than the night before when I dreamed I was hiding like Anne Frank and got caught and put into a concentration camp. I forget who was with me that time...someone I wouldn't expect to show up in my dreams, I remember that. <.g> That one was less fun, let me tell you.

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