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I have NO ONE on

I have NO ONE on my buddy list. Where'd you all go?!?!?! Mom was online for like an hour before, and my computer wasn't registering that she was on. She didn't have a buddy list, either. AOL/AIM must be on crack today.

Ooooh. <.g> If you turn on the Weather Channel, they're talking about Champaign! 30 miles west is a storm with damaging winds and big heavy hail stones! Yippee freaking fucking skippy. Can you tell I love storms? Gah. Ever since my house was nudged by a tornado when I was 10, causing my mother and I to grab my little brother (3 at the time) and my dog and race down the street because the house was filling up with gas, I have lived in fear of all storms. It's not a pretty sight. <.g> I think it's time for this storm to go away, before it even comes. How on earth am I supposed to work on my paper when I'm cowering on my bed away from the big bad hailstones? <.g>

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