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I shut down my computer,

I shut down my computer, let it sleep for awhile, and now AIM is happy again. <.g> I spent the time betaing that Peter story, and getting horridly confused by dates. LOL Only thing that saved me is that Percy was born the same year as Krissy, and Ginny the same year as me. Based on that, I could figure out what years things were supposed be and how old people were. <.g> Now I just have to help think of a title, and heaven knows I suck at titles!

But using mine and Krissy's birthdays made me realize something - I'm going to be 20. That's how old Krissy was when I met her! And while 20 didn't (and doesn't) seem old, it did seem like it would take forever for me to get there. Well, actually, seeing as how it seems like I've known her forever, maybe it *has taken forever. LOL It's just odd for me, I guess. I wonder what my life will be like when I hit Krissy's current (just about) quarter of a century? <.giggle>

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