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I think I liked last

I think I liked last night's ep. <.g> I didn't like Mulder's behavior, but I did understand it. (Espcially after reading approximately 50 Josh-PTSD WW stories this weekend. <.g>) The election joke totally threw me off, because when IS this taking place?! We have snow in August, we have references to February, we have references to December, help.

Mulder - I felt really bad for him, even as I wanted to smack him. I kind of got the impression that he was somewhat testing Scully. After six months, he has no clue what she's been doing or with whom, and he's feeling so lost he doesn't know who he can trust. Angry, hurt, confusing, lashing out. All makes sense, I just don't like seeing it. <.g>

Scully - she was so damn quiet in this ep. I guess she's still in shock that he's back. As a doctor, I suppose she knows that he's not mad at her even if it's directed at her, but it still did seem doormatty to me. She let him take the reins in all aspects. Which I suppose does make sense, given the circumstances, but again, I don't quite like seeing it. LOL

Doggett - what an *adorable smile he has! He looked so happy to see Mulder alive. Also, he is so totally in love with Skinner. <.g>

Skinner - totally in love with Doggett. LOL This is so much fun! I love their chemistry. Even Jen is going all mushy over them now, and she's not too big on the slash. In Kersh's office, she kept going, "Oh, they're so CUTE!" And they are. <.g>

LGM - Man, they rock. I loved Frohicke's hug, and Langly's comment about the blessed event. What exactly do they know? Obviously they think that Mulder and Scully have some kind of relationship where this is possible, and I think they'd be the ones to know. So we'll see.

I think I might have to rewatch this episode sometime soon. <.g> It was pretty good. But does anyone else remember some kind of ad about 7 straight new eps? 'Cause not having an ep next week puts a different spin on that. LOL Oh, well. I think I'll deal. It'll be nice to see Reyes again and maybe be able to form a better opinion.

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