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I watched last night's Lone

I watched last night's Lone Gunmen - it was okay. Kinda funny that it was on the tango and stuff after SAC the past few weeks, and I was constantly correcting them. LOL I really wish they would give up on the little boy humor, though. It's getting old, FAST. I loved the scene where Byers, Langly and Jimmy all try to dance, though. That was so funny. I wasn't going to keep the ep, but then came that last scene. I am so in love with Jimmy, I swear. I have to keep it for this one scene - Yves is very sad because this guy died for her, and Jimmy is watching her sit there be sad. He sends the others away, and then walks toward her, slowly. He holds out his hand, she looks at it a moment before accepting, and they head out onto the dance floor. As demonstrated earlier, he can't really dance, but is trying very hard. She helps him do a few steps, one of which is him basically hugging her from behind, before they just slip into a regular little slow dance with her head on his shoulder. He's just so incredibly sweet. I liked seeing Yves have actual real emotions for once, and I think I'd like them together. He's so idealistic and she's so cynical, but they work. It's sweet. (Yves is pronounced Eve, BTW.)

Watching history channel now - real footage of Titanic from 1912. They're talking about how most of the people died from hypothermia and not drowning, and all of the modern things that would prevent that from happening now. Very cool.

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