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I'm getting sick of the

I'm getting sick of the Harry Potter for Grown Ups list. I don't really like the people there. It's just not FUN anymore, you know? It's all the same things, over and over, with fights and arguments and no new ideas, and it just sucks. I love HP, but I can't find anywhere to talk about it. I mean, I like HP more than XF right now, but I still adore the Scullyfic list, so it can't be that whole replacing an obsession thing that I'm known for. Scullyfic is full of intelligent, witty women, who have interesting things to say. The HP people remind me too much of the WENN fans. I guess I've gotten lucky with g-w, because the people on that list are all really great and fun. But it's gotten to the point where I cringe when I see I have HP4GU mail, and just delete it after skimming maybe a line or two. On April Fools Day, I really considered dropping the list, and I think I'm still at that point. I know, I know, what's the big deal, you ask. I just hate change. (Another thing they say Josh got from his RTS, but he really got from me. <.g>) It's an amazingly big deal for me to drop a list, for some reason. Even lists I've had set at nomail or haven't gotten any mail from in months still have me as a member. Which is why I can be on 50 lists and complain that I don't get enough mail. <.g> Half of those don't *send me mail. So maybe I will unsub from this list. Or at least set it to nomail. Unsubbing might be a little too much for me. LOL

Absolutely nothing to do with this post, but I love Evan and Jaron's new song, From my Head to my Heart. LOL It's on the radio now.

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