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It amazes me how many

It amazes me how many people find this blog looking for HP slash. LOL Do they get disapoointed when they realize I mostly only talk about it, with the occasional link? <.g>

Anyway, the latest was Ron Weasley slash. I decided to follow some of the other sites they found. I found two stories from envy.nu - I see a lot of blogs from there, too. Isn't Jish on envy.nu? Anyway, I love how she used a Sim snapshot for the image. These are Hermione slash from Elspeth Rose. They're short but sweet. And sad.

Not sure why this came up, but it's cool! HP party ideas. <.g>

Possibly every R/H story on ff.net can be found here. LOL Again, not sure why it came up with slash...

Okay, love this: "Bright light burst from the wand, illuminating the space around Ron. Hermione watched as his expression changed to one of gratified amazement. Instead of the disgruntled look of someone who had fallen out of an airplane without a parachute, Ron now looked like someone who had fallen out of an airplane without a parachute, only to land in the hot tub at the Playboy Mansion." LOL It's from Draco Sinister though, and I never wanted to read that. It's one of the great HP epics, but it's Harry/Hermione, and I don't know. I had a bad experience with the last epic I read, Trouble in Paradise, which was so good it sunk me into depression for an entire weekend and still can if I think about it too much. LOL So while I do rec that one (it's R/H written by a H/H fan, and is pretty dark and sad), and I loved it, I can't bring myself to read the latest part or even finish it. Ever. Shame, 'cause Ebony (the author) is a fabulous person who I love debating with. <.g>

Found a cool journal of someone who also loves HP, and seems to share my feelings on Dawson's Creek, too. LOL Very cool.

Woo-hoo! Hit the motherlode. <.g> Harry Potter slash pages. Excellent. Possibly the only actual slash on any of the pages that I found in the "Ron Weasey slash" search of 2001. <.snicker>

Well, now I have lots o' fun new places to visit! It's so nice being able to keep them in a single place like this blog. <.g> I'm less worried it'll disappear than my favorites list. LOL

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