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Kim posted some ideas for

Kim posted some ideas for sharpening the saw from Stephen Covey. I think I should use some of those suggestions. <.g> Phsyical wise, I always take the stairs instead of the elevator, so I'm set there, although enlisting an excerise buddy is probably a good idea - anyone reading this from Urbana? <.g> Socially, I talk to my family every Sunday and I'm a pretty good listener even if I don't always know how to respond, but I'd love to be able to accept compliments or sit with someone new. I am completely unable to do either now. I do everything under mental already, even if puzzles occasionally drive me batty, and as for spiritual, I can finally take walks again in this weather. Closest I'll get to a symphony is my Yo Yo Ma CD, though. <.g> But those are some good ideas that I should start taking into consideration.

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