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LOL! Article from a Bristol

LOL! Article from a Bristol newspaper about OoP included this bit: Rowling says she has no intention to continue writing about Harry Potter once the main seven books are complete. She said: "I think I should stop before we get to Harry Potter and the Mid-Life crisis."

It also said:
Note for Potter readers: other comments Rowling has made suggest the new novel will include a female Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher; the full story of Arabella Figg - who was mentioned in book four - and the tough decision for Percy Weasley about whether he will side with Fudge or with his family.

Excellent!!!!! We've all been debating about what Percy would do. He loves his family, yes, but he also loves his job. In book four, he criticized his father for his Muggle-ways and how he did his job, and absolutely worshipped his boss at the Ministry. If Fudge remains pigheaded and buries his head in the sand about Voldemort's coming rise to power, it could easily turn into Percy not helping his family and Dumbledore fight the good fight. It would tear the Weasleys apart.

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