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Okay, let's see how fast

Okay, let's see how fast I can do this before my computer crashes. LOL

Buffy: I adore Anya. She and Xander are totally cool. I love how she told him to breathe because he was turning colors when she talked about babies. LOL I also love her speech about how she was unthreatened that Dawn loved her job, and the line about fondling the money. <.g> She rocks. So does Tara - I love Tara. Willow's on my hit list, though. I can't believe she would be so stupid as to help Dawn like that. Doesn't she GET it? She was doing everything wrong. I can't believe Tara didn't call her on her lies, either. I didn't like that. I did like Spike with the flowers, though. That was the one scene I was spoiled for, and it was beautiful. I felt so bad for him. Although he was sweet, I didn't like him helping Dawn, though. Such an idiot sometimes. Oh, BUffy and Giles! Absolutely more in my "they've been subtly pushing them together all season" theory. <.g> I'm serious, every episode has had something to indicate a relationship forming! Last night's was the two of them "presiding" over the dinner table, and him putting his arm around her very casually. <.g> I loved Buffy and Angel together, in the they're-making-me-cry way. Good thing Joyce died *after his epiphany, huh? The end also had me close to tears - Buffy telling Dawn about how she was feeling, and her expression, even after all that, when she thought her mom was home. <.sigh> SMG is a good actress.

Angel, on the other hand, was hysterical!!!! I love Wes and Angel - they are so lusting after each other. I really, really wanted that one girl's job from the fight scene - she got thrown into David's arms, and then passed off to Alexis who carried her and leaned over her on the bench. <.snicker> Cordy and Harm were hysterical, and I love Cordy calling Willow. I only wish they had let us see what Willow's line was, although Cordy's reaction was beautiful. LOL Wes and Angel bursting in was so cute, especially how they were standing so close! And then I laughed so hard when Wes took a step back and aimed the crossbow at Angel, who rolled his eyes and pushed it down. <.g> They are so cute together. But the end....Jen and I watched it about five times. LOLOLOL We never ever ever get to see Angel smile that much! And oh my GOD, when she started happily going, "La la la la la la la," bouncing up and down and he bounced too, I thought Jen and I were going to break ribs from laughing so hard. Oh my GOD that scene was so hysterical! "You have a gay man's taste, and that's saying a lot." Angel, sounding so proud of himself, "I bought her clothes." <.snicker> I think I'm gonna rewatch that scene today. LOL

See what I found last night? Buffy paper dolls. And they even have Tara! I love Willow's sweater. <.g>

Ooooh, no Child Psych today. So I get to come back after I hand in my awful Bible paper and watch GH and Picket Fences. I'll start pulling info for my SAC paper, too. I'm just going to write a paper based on my notes from the semester and throw in Yawar Fiesta examples. <.g> I hate that class. <.groan>

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