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Okay, should I get the

Okay, should I get the schedule I somewhat desire, this is what it'll look like:

MONDAY: stats, 10 am; SPSHS390, 11am; SPSHS275, 1-2:30pm, (SPSHS302, 3-4:50pm)
TUESDAY: (EPS, 10am) SPSHS390 lab, 1-2:30; SPSHS383, 3:30-5pm
WEDNESDAY: stats, 10 am; SPSHS390, 11am; SPSHS275, 1-2:30pm, (SPSHS302, 3pm)
THURSDAY: (EPS, 10am; EPS 1pm), SPSHS383, 3:30-5pm
FRIDAY: stats, 10am; SPSHS390, 11am

with the classes in () being alternates. It'll be either EPS or SPSHS302 that I go into for my last class, which will give me 16-17 hours. I tried for the Speech Comm class I wanted, but it conflicts with one of my core classes. Only problem with this schedule is that my hours bounce around so much, there isn't good times to work! Friday afternoons, maybe Tuesday and Thursday mornings if I don't get into EPS. Otherwise I only have snatches of 1-2 hours between classes. Grrrrr. (translation note - SPSHS is Speech and Hearing Science. AKA my major <.g>)

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