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So I came home on

So I came home on Wednesday night. Josh pretty much ignored me, but then it came time for him to go to bed. He refused to leave my room! So we had a sleepover in my room. LOL We watched West Wing together, but he fell asleep before it was over. LOL It was so much fun, though! I loved Donna calling Josh "baby" and CJ rocks totally. She was at a symphony at the POTUS's request, and almost everyone there was people that she knew were angry with her because she had just passed them up for a job promotion. So this one guy walks over and accuses her of passing him over because he broke up with her. SHe reassured him that that wasn't the case. He starts telling her how it wasn't her fault, she shouldn't ever think that it was because she wasn't good in bed. Finally she said, a bit loudly, "No, I'm great in bed!" People look over and she just kind of waves and says hi. <.g> Then later she's with JOsh, TOby and Charlie debriefing POTUS on what to expect tomorrow, and she announces that the stories are going to be about green beans, missile silos, and depening on who was listening in, the fact that she's good in bed. Toby's confused and asks why, she turns to him and snaps, "Because I *am." LOL I love Allison Janney. ANyway, then mom and I watched the Christmas WW, Noel, which is an amazing, beautiful episode. Yo-Yo Ma rules. <.g> Then last night, Josh decided once again to sleep in my room, so we watched the first ER and then I watched the last 20 minutes of "Everyone goes to emergency, everyone goes to jail" or something like that. WW ep from February. <.g> Another fabulous episode that I wish I could have seen all of. <.sigh> Does anyone who reads this tape WW? I'll barter and/or pay for tapes! I'm dying to see all of the episodes I've missed.

Oh, and I saw the first Will and Grace last night - Karen didn't even sound the same, let alone be the same character! I was amazed. Big, big changes. I'm totally sleepy right now - I don't sleep well with Josh. <.g> He moves, and I wake up to check up on him. LOL He has to stay on his side to breathe well, so I had to keep checking that, too. I didn't even mean to, I just did. I always wondered how mom did it, now I know.

But for now, I shall finish watching AMC with J and then go see Spy Kids with mom and Josh!!

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