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So, yes, 2 am was

So, yes, 2 am was mucho fun. I'm sleeping, I'm sleeping, I'm hearing a screech. "Hmmm," I think. "That's an obnxious noise. What's that noise? I know that noise." I wake up and sit up. "Fuck! Jen...Jen!" "What?" Jen says, lifting her head slightly from the pillow. "It's a fire drill!" I state the obvious. "Oh, that's what that noise was." I stare at her and we both crack up.

So we pull on clothes and head out to the street in the middle of the night, where it is still quite cool, let me tell you. <.g> Then we stand there. For half an hour. The fire druck drives right on by, with nary a light or siren. We stare at it. "Hey! That's our truck! Where's the lights? We got cheated out of the lights! Hey, where's it going?"

We finally get let back in, and it took me so long to fall back asleep. <.sigh> Today should be interesting - the ruling in Chief Illiniwek is due today, and no matter what happens, there are going to be some very very not happy people on campus today. Ugh.

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