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SOD Awards - not scheduled

SOD Awards - not scheduled yet. They're extending their ballot longer, apparently. : )

Jen's playing her U2 CD right now - very awesome. <.g> I love these songs.

I'm foregoing my usual weekend work to just write papers. I'll be able to catch up this week, now that I do my hour a day studying for a certain class. Then, over break, I really have to look over Yawar Fiesta again. I just got the guidelines for that paper - 25% of my grade, 10-15 pages, and all she says is that we have to pick a theme. ACK! I need a little more guidance than that! I cannot stand teachers who don't give me something to write about! I'm going to seriously cry. But it will be the only paper that I work on after Easter, which will help. 10 pages in two weeks - I think I'll be able to handle it. If I get a topic! ARGH!

There's a sneak preview for Bridget Jones's Diary tonight. I wanna see that SO BAD! I've been dying to read the book, too. I wish there was someone I could see it with. Somehow, I don't think Damien would appreciate it all that much. LOL Even if he has sat through things like Return to Me and Playing By Heart for me. <.g>

It's so nice out. Windy as all hell (wind advisory until 6), but lovely. Jen gave me a ladybug sticker. <.g>

Well, I've been up for 45 minutes, I suppose I should consider getting dressed now. LOL

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