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That went a lot less

That went a lot less painfully than I thought it would. LOL Everything seems to be in working order. If you find something that isn't, let me know. If you have any comments or suggestions, I want to hear those, too! I probably won't change the design until school starts again, so I have 12 days to get it looking the way it will for the next few months. <.g>

I'm a little worried that people won't actually click on the above buttons to see all of my hard work, but their loss, I guess. I plan to do at least one book a week, so I guess I'll just announce when a new one is up, people can visit as they see fit. Oh, and the girl in the picture is Mary Miles Minter, the silent movie actress (Anne of Green Gables) that I've become so enamored with. <.g>

So, what do you think? Not nearly as good as a lot of the people I link to, but it suits me. And I did all of that damned rollover stuff myself - for awhile there, if I rolled my mouse over "fun," for example, it wouldn't turn blue. "About" would turn into the blue fun. <.g> Figuring that out was amusing (for Jen, anyway), as was framing Mary's picture. I can't wait to do that again. LOL

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