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The ep starts out with

The ep starts out with Mulder coming to visit Scully. While they are not quite good at it, I'm saying that they were flirting the whole scene. She says that she feels like they're in an episode of Mad About You. He retorts that they're not married, they just work together. I go, "eeek!" But I have since decided that the line was delivered with David's trademark irony, and he meant the opposite. That's why she was giggling so much - what a funny man Mulder is. <.g> They banter more, and he says something about the pizza guy possibly being responsible for the baby, giving the impression that neither of them knew how she got pregnant or who the father was. I go, "eeek!" again. But I have since decided that this is an inside joke between them because they both know he's the daddy. <.g> Hence the "nice package" line. That was chock full of innuendo, baby!

At the hospital, Nurse Ratchett asks Mulder if he's the husband. He says no, she forces him out. I'm going, "Say you're the father!" He doesn't. Never once did she ask if he was the FATHER, because that would require CC to make an admission. See, Mulder knows that he's the father, but he was so stressed and worried, that he wasn't thinking straight. Later, he puts his hand on her stomach and leaves it there, smiling in wonder. She beams. They are connecting emotionally over THEIR child. Their child, and they know it.

Now we're back at her place and he presents the package again. They've gotten better at this flirting thing, as they have now emotionally connected. Real cute. Nice package indeed, Mulder. She opens it to find an ugly, scary doll. She's surprised, and yet touched, when Mulder says that it was a family heirloom. They smile at each other, knowing that this is their child he is passing it to.

So what did we learn in this episode? That's right, ignore CC and find your own meanings. <.g> Therefore, Mulder is the father. He and Scully know this, they're just trying to figure out what their relationships will be and how they will change. They come to and understanding in the hospital when he takes initiative and feels the baby. Mulder's gift at the end symbolizes that this baby is a Mulder, and he is emotionally the father of this child, no matter what it turns out to be.

That's my story, and I'm sticking with it. <.g>

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