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This is so weird. I

This is so weird. I had Blogger up in the background while I type my paper (I gave up on Word taking up the whole screen a long time ago, so I could multi-task. <.g>) and I just glanced over and saw the last sentence of the last post, about aug com invading my life again. All of a sudden, I realized that I didn't mind. I thought it was cool. After all this time wondering if this was really what I wanted to do with my life or if I was just apathetic and letting people decide for me, I realized I want to do assistive tech in schools. I could see me doing that. I am seeing me do that.

This doesn't change the fact that it wasn't my choice, but it does go a long way in reassuring myself that my Psych teacher was wrong and I really do have my own identity. I'll find some way to make this about me and not my mother. I don't know how, but I'll do it. Because I can.

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