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Urgh. I so feel like

Urgh. I so feel like crap. For once, my period is on time. That, of course, generally signals a bad one, and I am fully unable to cope with that today. Unless it hurries up and gets bad fast (which is feel like it's doing - damn) and then I can sleep it off until about 11 or so, do some work on my paper, go to Hearing, and come back and work on my paper. I really wanted to go to SAC today, though, so I didn't miss the lecture. But I don't think I can chance it, because the whole hot/cold thing is starting and it usually goes downhill fast from there. Oooh, but maybe if I *say that it's going to be bad, it'll feel contrary and not bother me at all. <.g>

Only I would try and outwit my cycle. LOL

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