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Urgh. So Jen does have

Urgh. So Jen does have strep. I called McKinley and they said I should just wash my hands a lot and get plenty of rest, and that she's still contagious for 48 hours from when she starts her medicine (dinner tonight). Of course, she's been contagious for about 48 hours before now, so this sucks. I guess I just have to hope for the best.

Joanne from SAC called after Hearing today. She's coming at 7 or 7:30 to ask me questions about the paper. Like I'm the person to ask, right? LOL But I told her no problem. I had already told myself I wasn't really watching Buffy, since J is working closing shift tonight and I tape it, so it's okay.

Mom's frazzled. No wonder she keeps trying to talk to me. I said Josh's knee was dislocated, right? It's at the point where he can't even walk to the bathroom himself. Dad had to carry him down the stairs this morning. He has an appt with the orthopedic guy tomorrow - real nice guy. He lives a few blocks away from us on Maple, the street we used to live on, and his son was in Ruth's kindergarten class last year. He actually called mom today to make sure that Josh was able to get an appt and talk things over - he even remembered the RTS. Unfortunately, this didn't happen because he was playing basketball or soccer or anything like that. It was a slow, gradual dislocation. He's going to centrally realign it, but from what mom described, it sounds like it's going to keep happening. Mom's just sick. Something like this happened in Dec 99, and we thought it was this, but it wasn't then. But we were expecting it, and it's still a shock. See, joints and bones are really affected with RTS. We're talking operations, braces, wheelchairs, etc. So this is pretty scary.

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