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Well, just got off the

Well, just got off the phone with my mom. They had taken Josh to the orthopedic guy today for his appt. Josh is now in a brace to keep his leg straight. See, there are apaprently two ligaments that keep the kneecap in place. One of Josh's is too loose, which is why it keeps slipping out. So he's going into surgery on May 14. They'll tighten one ligament and loosen the other, and he'll be in a soft cast (not removable, but one that doesn't need to be sawed off) for 3 weeks after that. Hopefully then, by the end of the summer, he'll be mostly back to normal. We're doing it at Loyola Ronald McDonald Children's Hospital, and he'll be in overnight. My, he's going to be a joy to be around. Maybe I will try for three jobs, after all. <.g>

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