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Wow, someone asked me to

Wow, someone asked me to beta a story for them! They said they trusted me! <.g> That makes me very happy. She's a girl on my g-w list, and this is her first story. Noncon slash starring Peter Pettigew. I figure if anything, it'll broaden my horizens. LOL But really, I am looking forward to it. I like helping people with their stories - it's easier for me than writing my own, sometimes. <.g>

Speaking of stories - I have two pages in the Scully/Tara done. I don't know - it's fluff. Pure and total fluff with no plot. I usually have at least a tiny plot, but this is shaping up to basically be an evening in the life of Dana Scully. And that's the other thing - Dana. I have lost all grasp on her character by making her Dana instead of Scully. LOL Tara's perfectly in character, but Scully's...I don't know who she is. She's not being consistant, and it's driving me batty! I think I need a beta, too.

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